Country Wise Area & Production of Rice (Paddy) in the World                Year 2015
Sr. No. Countries Production   (Tons) Area           (Hectares) %age Share
1 China 208230000 30215700 28.14
2 India 156540000 43390000 21.15
3 Indonesia 75397841 14116638 10.19
4 Bangladesh 51278400 11371775 6.93
5 Viet Nam 45105021 7831119 6.09
6 Thailand 27702191 9717975 3.74
7 Myanmar 26210318 6769494 3.54
8 Philippines 18149838 4656227 2.45
9 Brazil 12301201 2138397 1.66
10 Pakistan 10201840 2739495 1.38
11 Japan 9986000 1506000 1.35
12 Cambodia 9335000 2795063 1.26
13 USA 8724530 1042080 1.18
14 Nigeria 6256228 3121562 0.85
15 Korea 5771026 799344 0.78
Total Top 15 Countries 671189434 142210869 90.69
Total of Other 106 Countries 68895262 18551429 9.31
Total World 740084696 160762298 100.00
Source: FAO
